Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Now, I am home!

Frist though, I flew from Madrid to Boston, where my wonderful freinds Rob and Kelly picked me up and took care of me til my flight to San Jose the next day. They picked me up pizza and beer which we enjoyed in front of Rob's huge tv... I was back in the USA and in heaven!!! It was so nice to break up the trip and to see mis amigos de Alicante! I am definatly stopping in Boston again on my way back out!

They dropped me at at airport, and after 6 hours of watching tv on JetBlue, I could see Mikey holding baloons that said "Welcome home!" The whole gang was there: Mom, Dad, Wem, Bug, Grammy and The Steph! I was SOOO HAPPY! We all piled into the van and headed home :)

Since then I have been readjusting to home just fine. Today is my first day on domestic duty. I dropped Em at work, came back and made myself and Mike some breakfast, did the dishes and now after blogging I think I will go do some jogging... haha.

Pues nada, es decir que, ME ENCANTA ESTAR EN CASA!
ie: I am loving being at home!

1 comment:

hayleysalvo said...

que celos tengo. looks like we're both pulling domestic duty, but as i was walking my kids home from their swimming lesson today i wondered, wouldn't it just be better to be doing this all in English with family... oh well. miss you lots!!!