Tuesday, October 16, 2007

email to mama

hi mama,

The interview at KeyIdomas went well, but she called last night to tell me that I did not get the class that they immediately wanted to fill for Tuesday and Thursday nights, but this place just opened so they are expanding right now, so she said as soon as she had more clients she would call, maybe within the next month. in addition to offering classes at the school, they also contract out in-home private lessons, so i could maybe get some of those through them in addition to ones i get from connections or posters that i put up around town, school etc. so we will see.

overall the NIE wasn't too too bad. we got there an hour before it opened and there was already huge line, but we only ended up having to wait for about 2.5 hours which was way less than we expected. we got the numbers and everything, which we then had to take a bank to notarize, tomorrow we have to wait in the SAME line AGAIN to show them the notarized paper and get our actual ID cards. oh yeah thats what NIE is national identification something something, they thing that we need to have just in case we ever get stopped by the cops, get arrested, but it mostly for when i come BACK into the country after christmas, because i need to present this card with my visa... whatever..... YAY


Hey guess what, in class today, my niƱos actually LISTENED! I taught them the days on the week, months of the year and the seasons! I have drawn up another lesson plan to complete "What day is it" and then "What time is it", then the weather. My goal is to open each English class with, for example: "Today is Tuesday, October sixteenth, 2007. The weather is hot and sunny." and have that be like the routine of the beginning of each class and take turns with who has to say it at the beginning of each class. Then after that we are going to do prepositions and classroom vocab. Noelia has told Sara I am a good worker :) I do not feel like I am though, this is the only day I am coming this week! Because I did the NIE yesterday and we have to go back tomorrow to finish it! AND Monday the 22nd is apparently a holiday here in Dos Hermanas. Haha rough huh? I want to use the time to go over those teaching materials I bought from home and also study up on relevant vocab.

Well, I need to get going so I can catch the train back to Sevilla.
Te quiero!!!!!!

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